As a homeowner, you are constantly on the lookout for how to make your home more comfortable for all its inhabitants. The indoor temperature when it’s nice and cool in the summer and warm in the winter plays a big role in how well you can work, sleep, and play at home. Regulating your indoor temperature is, unfortunately, not as easy as turning the dial on your thermostat – you also have to keep an eye on your energy bills to prevent them from spiralling out of control.

Energy-efficient windows offer numerous benefits that can improve your home’s comfort, reduce your energy bills, and contribute to a more sustainable environment. By investing in energy-efficient windows, you can enjoy a range of advantages that go beyond just saving money. Read on to learn why you should consider using energy-efficient windows in your home.

  1. Lower Energy Bills: One of the primary reasons to use energy-efficient windows is the potential for significant cost savings on your energy bills. The harder your heating or cooling system has to work to keep your home at a comfortable temperature, the more energy it consumes.  Energy-efficient windows are designed to minimize heat transfer, keeping your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. By reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling, you can lower your energy consumption and save money on utility bills.
  2. Enhanced Comfort: Energy-efficient windows help maintain a consistent indoor temperature by providing better insulation. They are designed to prevent drafts and reduce heat loss or gain, ensuring that your home remains comfortable throughout the year. You’ll experience fewer cold spots near windows during winter and enjoy a more pleasant living environment overall.
  3. Environmental Benefits: Using energy-efficient windows is an environmentally responsible choice. These windows help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by minimizing the need for heating and cooling systems. By conserving energy, you can contribute to a healthier planet.
  4. Noise Reduction: Energy-efficient windows are typically designed with multiple panes of glass and insulating materials that help reduce noise transmission from outside. If you live in a noisy neighborhood or near a busy street, these windows can significantly improve your quality of life by creating a quieter indoor environment.
  5. UV Protection: Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause fading and damage to your furniture, flooring, and other belongings. Energy-efficient windows often feature low-emissivity (low-E) coatings that block a significant portion of harmful UV rays while still allowing natural light into your home. This helps preserve the longevity and appearance of your interior furnishings.
  6. Increased Home Value: Energy-efficient upgrades are highly sought after by homebuyers due to their long-term cost-saving benefits. Installing energy-efficient windows can increase the value of your home and make it more attractive to potential buyers if you ever decide to sell. It’s an investment that pays off both now and in the future.
  7. Government Incentives: You may be eligible for a government grant or rebate if you choose to install energy-efficient windows under the Canada Greener Homes Initiative. This can offset some of the upfront costs associated with upgrading your windows, making it an even more appealing option.

Energy Efficient Windows From Go-Green

Go-Green offers Low–E (low emissivity) glass replacement windows that have been recognized for providing the highest levels of year-round comfort and energy savings. Low–E glass is basically glass that has a microscopic, transparent coating on its surface that improves its insulating properties. Replacing your old windows with Go-Green’s CSA and ENERGY STAR® certified windows can help insulate your home better to lower your energy bills along with a few other benefits:

  • Energy costs are reduced by 7-12% a year.
  • Low – E glass ensures that your home is up to energy code requirements in Canada.
  • There are various types of low- E glass available so you can choose the option that is right for your home.
  • Spectrally selective glass that filters out 40% to 70% of outside heat while still allowing plenty of daylight in.

If you are looking for energy-efficient, high quality-window solutions from a local, family-owned company that respects the environment, Go-Green Windows is the choice for you. By choosing Go-Green, you can be confident that our expertise in the industry along with our high-quality products will help save you money with energy-efficiency and add comfort to your home for now and years to come.

Get in touch with us for a free quote today!